What price happy hour? A singular seabreeze totally did me in at Hot Dish. Eeeesh! Woooooo!
Thank you all for the birthday good wishes for L. She makes it so hard to resist an oops baby, but as hard as the hormones rage, our iron will is harder.
She really knows what to do with birthday candles!
She likes the trike.
We just got word back from the school district registration circus. Denied. I hope R will not get eaten alive by the huge reference school known best for its ultracompetitive WASLs and ginormous fundraiser carnivals and I'm not at all sure I'm up for the level of PTA involvement that would give him a steady edge from which to dive and swim such a crowded environment. I'm amazed by the level of workbook learning he's already doing, though, so there is that. I don't know. Excellence! Tradition! Reputation! Bah. We could be moving inside of two years anyway. Lots of upheaval, but change is vital. It's the uncertainty that gets me.
Happy Spring!