Updates are FUN!!!

Oct 12, 2011 12:39

Hey ya'll!!!

A lot has been happening. Sorta. Ummmm. Everything is going good between me and James. We were going through a rough patch, but things are starting to work themselves out. Which is GOOD.

Rexy killed Smokey aka the gray kitten... really truth be told. I'm kinda over it. Granted if I am the one to ever catch her back there again, kittens or no kittens, she will be dead. She killed 4 kittens since I got back from IN and GOD knows how many she killed when I was up there. So yeah.

Today I am 10 weeks and 2 days pregnant. It's been interesting. Morning sickness makes me ANGRY. Literally. It's probably the worst thing EVER. Luckily the OB gave me some pills to keep the nausea away, but still sometimes it hits me. I've been told numerous remedies. Saltines, which I got some and they had somewhat helped. Then I was told that Ginger Ale helps or even Ginger Tea. So. I noticed today that they have Ginger Ale that tastes like green tea. I bought that. We'll see if that also helps.

Hmmmm. What else. Mom is super excited about me being pregnant. It's cute, but then again I am their only child and this will be their first grandchild. So I can somewhat understand why she's so thrilled.

We got our first baby thing about a weekish ago. It's a stroller. :D It's for two, but a car seat can be placed in the back one, which is SUPER convenient. Got it at a yard sale. They had bought it for probably 150 dollars, were going to sell it for 75, but took it down to 65. :) They also had a crib, but it was just a regular one. I have my eyes on one of them that convert into a regular bed when the time comes. Personally I think it will be a HUGE money saver in the long run. ... SO MANY THINGS TO GET IN THE NEXT 9 MONTHS.

And last, but not least. I leave you lovelies with some pictures. :)


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