Loki, My God of Michief

Mar 24, 2010 11:47

Around 5-6 weeks ago, I adopted a rat from an acquaintance who really wasn't taking care of him. The poor little guy had been living in a cage that was far too small and poorly designed. He has a bad case of bumblefoot because of it. His owners just walked past him and virtually ignored him. He had no stimulation whatsoever. He was fed nothing but carrots for over a year and as a result, he developed a terribly irritable bowel. He was never given anything to chew, shred or hide in. His cage was never cleaned and neither was he.

Now, 6 weeks on, he is living happily in my unit in a huge, multi level cage. He has gained weight and lost the orange tint his fur had gained from eating nothing but carrots. He has learned to use a litter tray and is becoming more rat-like every day. He now shreds paper till his heart is content and runs, jumps and plays around in his cage all day. He has a lovely nature and really enjoys curling up on my lap for a sleep. I clean his cage once a week and bathe him once a fortnight.

I'm pleased I could give this little fellow a good home, and show him all the fun, ratty times he can have.

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