May Slots

May 07, 2012 13:36

Hey guys! Although I put myself on a hiatus, I'm still kinda active and will pick up your release cards. I'm going to collect wolf this month and I still have some slots left. Grab them before they're gone!

1. wolf01 (me) ✔
2. wolf02 for nonexistent01 with Ryssa ✔
3. wolf03 for argyle04 with Joyce ✔
4. wolf04 for duty08 with Roax ✔
5. wolf06 for crush02 with Midori ✔
6. wolf16 for cyborg05 with Alex • (pending)
7. meister11 (me)
8. wolf08 for womanizer02 with Dany • (pending)
9. wolf09 for 3406 with Polly ✔
10. wolf10 for wanderer09 with Steph ✔

Pz: trickortreat05
Pz: wolf12 for beachday03 with Ada ✔
Pz (Extra): wolf15 for beach11 with Abby ✔

Sp: nostalgia16 (me)
Sp: mythical14 (me)
Sp: chibi06 (donated)

slots, player: mei

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