Matching Cards 13

Jun 07, 2012 07:05

Hello everyone! Just letting you know that Matching Cards is now a monthly game. So, have you ever noticed that some cards from different decks actually share the same original image? For example,

Both of the crops from the cards above come from this image.

For this game, your job is to find either the 'matching card' (the card that share the same image as the one posted up) or find the original image used for both cards posted! This will vary from round to round.

matching card!

This round I will show you 1 card and you need to find another card that was made with the same image and either link me to it or tell me its name and number! For your hard work, you will earn yourself 4 random cards.

Note that there are various answers for this rounds (as in several cards from the same deck can count). This round will end on July 5th. This round is CLOSED!

~monthly, game: matching cards, mod: joyce

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