Have you ever noticed that some cards from different decks actually share the same original image? For example,
Both images inside these cards come from
this image.
For this game, Your job is to find either the 'matching card' (the card that share the same image as the one posted up) or find the original image used for both cards posted! This will vary from round to round.
matching cards!
This round I provided you with an image! You must find the 6 cards that were made using that image. They are all from different decks. You can either link me to the cards or tell me the name and number.
For your hard work, you will earn yourself 1 random card for each correct card you list for a total of 6 random cards. If you can tell me all of them, you also get 1 IOU!
This round will end on April 17th. This round is CLOSED!