So I promised
megan23451 an Audizzle spam with a "Here's why you should slash them"/"LOOK HOW FRICKIN' GAY" slant, and as she's off on holiday tomorrow, I'ma string one together before bed.
For those of you who don't know, this is Danny. He sings.
This is also Danny.
And so is this.
This is Ryan. He drums.
More Ryan.
And Ryan again. I love him and want to steal him, okay? Okay.
And this is Seth, he plays guitar. Megan loves him and snark a lot.
He's kind of ridic and stupidly funny. Gold plated strippers indeed.
Then there's Joe. He's the bassist. And he wears Chanel earrings. (Point number one).
He has kickass shades, Beckett, eat your heart out.
And he's also kind of silly.
Lastly, there's Timmy. He's a fuzzy little kitkat thief.
He's really adorable.
And apparently, really freaking hot! -licks-
This is Ryan T, the merch dude. He's not in any slashy pics, but I just want you all to know he exists so you can use him in your fic.
Collectively, they are theAUDITION. And also, gay enough to rival Panic! for The Big Gay Crown.
Danny and Timmy getting possessive on stage.
Danny and Timmy getting possessive OFFstage. Please, his arm is totally around him.
Timmy's not the only one with a share in Danny, please to be noting the look Seth's giving him.
They frickin' snuggle okay? This makes life better, I can't lie.
I think we're interrupting.
Clearly in this picture Seth has one hand on Ryan's ass, and one on Joe's. Timmy is drunk, and Danny has just realised how gay they are. Or, is freaking out because a girl just groped him.
Danny and Ryan's body language, kthnx. Okay, so they're my new OTP.
Please to be paying attention to Joe and Timmy in the background, doing the fucking BACK-TO-BACK thing we all love so much.
Ryan, love, just because you're in the background, doesn't mean we can't see you giving that dude the come-to-bed eyes.
Nope, wait, too easy.
I have NO idea what is happening in this picture.
Um, Timmy, that's an awfully adoring gaze pointed in Mr Stevens' direction. Not that we blame you hon, but uh, GET IN LINE.
Okay Megan was like "Is that Smirnoff?" and I was like "I have no idea, I'm too busy looking at the way his mouth is wrapped around that bottle and his cheeks are hollowed out."
'Nuff said. You can see it, right?
Joe and Seth bond over guitars, sighsighsigh.
Standing like a couple of hookers, y/y?
And it's not just limited to within the band, oh no.
For a start, Joe seems to be having an affair with the dude from My American Heart.
And let's not forget this guy, kthnx.
And Danny? Well, he's pretty easy going.
Ben Jorgensen.
William Beckett.
Ryan I Am Ghost.
Andrew McMahon.
And well, that just looks suspicious to me. Kerrrang! Tour = one big lovefest for Danny methinks.
And thus, the winner of The Big Gay Crown is...
theAUDITION, as modelled here by the lovely Mr Lussa. Wonder if it goes with his earrings?
[hope you enjoyed it honey. Thank you to
lizterry for seven of the pictures.]
And now you've seen this, go join
auditionslash and write me some goddamn fic!