Hi, newcomers from lj-spotlight (by the way, link to this community was sent by
4001, thanks)! I will answer to your comments later, and now a few general provisions.
This community is dedicated to positive, joyful, harmonious photos, which inspire & elate.
First and foremost photo selection criterion - I like it or not. It is very unpleasant to reject photos (it's really not positive), but I can't post something I don't like. So, please, be ready for rejection.
This is the reason why I closed premoderated posting: it was too onerous to decide 5 times a day.
So if you want to post a photo, send it to me via e-mail: photofreedom @ yandex.ru . But I don't guarantee I will answer (it's not vanity but lack of time).
If you post someone else's photo, please, name the photographer.
Please, send me links to your favorite photographers.
If you have any questions or suggestions, ask them here. Also here you can post photos or links for consideration.
Join & enjoy :)
PS: Basic language - Russian, but I understand English fluently, so don't be afraid to comment.
In between times: if you find linguistic mistakes in this post - please, correct me.
Feel free to promote the community!
Good Luck!
PPS: Don't forget about friendly communitites
earth_images &
Thanks to
linda_made_me &
crisiks for corrections.
Просто после рекламы в LJ-Spotlight за сутки сообщество зафрендило около 300 человек (30 из которых бросились меня расспрашивать про всякое), поэтому я счел нужным поздороваться :)
На всякий случай повторю по-русски: я не гарантирую, что отвечу на все письма с фотографиями (отбрыкиваться односложно не хочу, писать много пока нет времени и настроения).
И, как всегда, жду ссылок на ваших любимых фотографов (не обязательно позитивных, кстати). Потому как там, где качественная красивая фотография, и для нашего сообщества что-нибудь найдется :)
PS: И не забывайте о схожих (в плане красоты) сообществах
earth_images &