LOL. No worries on the catching up. I have to do that sometime, too. I'm way behind. I don't even write that much anymore because I have so much to say I can't package it in small enough chunks and it drives me nuts.
a) Why I friended you? Ya know...I used to subscribe to one of the headaches communities (I was undergoing one of my migraine seasons at the time, I guess...yes, I said seasons; they seem to come and go for some reason....) and I saw one of your posts on there. Somehow the tone or something you said in your post made me want to know more and made me care instantly about you and your well-being. It's just one of those things. I felt for ya, I guess. I read the few entries you had written at the time and I kind of "fell in love" with the way you write. I know you won't take that the wrong way. :-)
b) Something I associate with you: The Little Prince. I quoted part of it to your brother at some point and he told me it was (one of) your favorite book(s). :-)
c) Something I like about you: your ability to smile and laugh through things or about yourself even when you are going through the roughest S#!t in the world! I admire your strength.
d) A memory I have of you: aw. Well, this will be limited to journal-land of course: I think just in general the way I view you as a friend really reminds me of a VERY close friend I had in college..we're still friends, but naturally we don't see each other much anymore. It feels like we are able to talk to each other about anything even if we don't talk often, make sense? So really everytime I comment on your journal or you comment on mine I feel very comfortable as if you're that person. Meh, sorry if that didn't make sense.
e) Something I've wanted to know about you: this'll sound really dorky but I'd love to hear more about your experiences in college and grad school... I've been undergoing some serious cultural shock and such because of how different the two experiences have been and how frustrating the LACK OF transition has been... just would like to hear it from someone who has been through the whole thing but still hasn't lost perspective like my professors.
f) Favorite userpic: He looks like I feel a lot of the time. Heh.
No worries on the catching up. I have to do that sometime, too. I'm way behind. I don't even write that much anymore because I have so much to say I can't package it in small enough chunks and it drives me nuts.
a) Why I friended you? Ya know...I used to subscribe to one of the headaches communities (I was undergoing one of my migraine seasons at the time, I guess...yes, I said seasons; they seem to come and go for some reason....) and I saw one of your posts on there. Somehow the tone or something you said in your post made me want to know more and made me care instantly about you and your well-being. It's just one of those things. I felt for ya, I guess. I read the few entries you had written at the time and I kind of "fell in love" with the way you write. I know you won't take that the wrong way. :-)
b) Something I associate with you: The Little Prince. I quoted part of it to your brother at some point and he told me it was (one of) your favorite book(s). :-)
c) Something I like about you: your ability to smile and laugh through things or about yourself even when you are going through the roughest S#!t in the world! I admire your strength.
d) A memory I have of you: aw. Well, this will be limited to journal-land of course: I think just in general the way I view you as a friend really reminds me of a VERY close friend I had in college..we're still friends, but naturally we don't see each other much anymore. It feels like we are able to talk to each other about anything even if we don't talk often, make sense? So really everytime I comment on your journal or you comment on mine I feel very comfortable as if you're that person. Meh, sorry if that didn't make sense.
e) Something I've wanted to know about you: this'll sound really dorky but I'd love to hear more about your experiences in college and grad school... I've been undergoing some serious cultural shock and such because of how different the two experiences have been and how frustrating the LACK OF transition has been... just would like to hear it from someone who has been through the whole thing but still hasn't lost perspective like my professors.
f) Favorite userpic:
He looks like I feel a lot of the time. Heh.
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