Today I got this cloche hat block that looks like Darth Vader. It amuses me vastly. Anyhow I blocked my leopard-print bunny fur hat on it, and I cannot wait for it to be ready. It already looks pretty rad.
Another exhausting day at work, but less-bad. Yay for tomorrow afternoon off! And Buffy night! And DnD on Thursday!
Got a phone call from Ben tonight. Ben is rad. Apparently talking to him can cure my headache from hell.
tomorrow I need to remember to go buy fabric for Josh's hat. I need to finish that this month since i told him I would.
The Cat is a dork. I'm thinking about changing her name.
The other night AC did a google search for my name. Apparently my entry under the Brown wikipedia came up. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I hope no potential employers ever google me. The link to my conversation with Bobby made me laugh so hard I cried.
Also: Dear Becca, Lindsay, and Swendy-- I miss you guys. Courtney and Bayly and Jocy too. Grar. I'll see you in october. I swear. Well, maybe not Swendy. Ho.