Does Photo Editing Dilute True Photography?

Apr 27, 2011 13:23

A few weeks ago when I was editing all of the Fossil Rim photos my husband and I took on our trip there, I complained on Twitter that I was in photo editing hell. I got a response from a non-photographer friend asking me, “Why do you even need to edit the photos at all?”

This was like a punch in the gut. I felt instantly tense toward her even though she’s the sweetest person and I know she meant no harm by the comment. Why DO I need to edit my photos? A true photographer doesn’t need programs like Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop. They present their art straight out of the camera (SOOC), using only tools present when the shutter clicks to capture their images.

A lot of people, even photographers themselves, believe this. They wage wars, calling out other photographers for lacking the talent to expose their shot just so inside the camera. They call themselves photographers and anyone who touches an editing program a “digital artist”.

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Originally published at Daily Window. You can comment here or there.

photo editing, opinion, featured, sooc

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