Know Your Lenses - Focal Length Photography Exercise

May 24, 2011 17:44

This morning I received an email update that Clickin’ Moms registration for Shooting 301: Composition and Creativity Workshop was open for general registration. (Of course, now it is sold out.) I briefly considered registering as I would absolutely love to take one of their fabulous workshops, however the price is too steep. Instead of getting too bummed out, I dug into my copy of Bryan Peterson’s Learning to See Creatively. Happily, there’s a fantastic exercise in the very beginning of the book to help you see in focal length to have greater creative control over your photos.

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Originally published at Daily Window. You can comment here or there.

backyard, photography, featured, know your lenses, perspective, learning to see creatively, assignments, experiments, bryan peterson, photography tips, 28mm

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