Apr 01, 2005 18:21
I was walking the dog and a few things came into my mind,
Before writing this i want people to know this is not aimed at anyone inparticular, just people in the world (aka school/media/books) and i apoligize if my opinions offend anyone that's not my intention...
A. Some people are so self centered!!! They worry about what their parents can get them for their birthday, but dont care about the thousands of people (adults and children alike) who dont know a birthday for more than just being older. They just want to make sure what they get is something they want and not repeated so every gift is useful. Now, i understand they have that blessing of being able to celebrate like that. Their parents brought them up in a very comfortable home, have they ever bought their mother a gift without a holiday, or took their family or to dinner, or just spent time with them LISTENING to their stories? Maybe... but probably not.
B. Why do people take so many pictures of themselves? Especially on this myspace thing... i mean i understand that a purpose of it is to meet new people and it's cool to see what they look like and make sure they arent a stalker. But i thing after the first 25 pictures they my have a vague idea of what you look like, in any light or angle or makeup style or whatever else. Now, i fully understand of hanging out with friends and having a goofy times and taking pictures, we do it all the time. And i understand if people are into photography and like taking pictures. But there is also a lot more things to take pictures of if you look for it, we have a whole friggen world after all. I dont know, i guess i dont understand the point of it.
C. Another thing, i rarely talk politics, and there is a reason... i dont know all that much about it. And that isnt such a good thing seeing in about 3 years i will have the right to voice my opinion because i am deamed by the nation as being mature enough. However, many people right now seem to be SO political active in voicing their opinions, which yes, that is a good thing to know what the hell is going on in the country. However, i just wonder how many of these teenage "democrats" and "republicans" know so much about politics. Bravo they wanted Kerry instead of Bush or Bush instead of Kerry. But do they know the whether their own governer is a Democrat or a Rebupican? Do they even know who he is? Do they have the faintest idea of the people in the state house that represent their district? Because the right to vote isnt only every four years when you choose a president. You vote on issues as well as people who you want to represent you localy. And if someone says they are a "democrat" or "republican" i hope they know several ideas that each party represents. (here's a hint: because they hate bush is not the only reason they are a democrat).
D. The middle schoolers and their goddamn cellphones, ipods, and digital cameras. Now, kids who are extremely active in sports or clubs that need to let their parents know about picking them up... that i can understand. However if all they do is sit on their ass get home and smoke weed (in otherwords if they are on my bus) why do they need to sit on the bus and call the person who is ONE SEAT OVER! they are simply wasting their parents minutes, and money and being a dick bragging that they have a cellphone. There is also no need for them to sit there for a half hour and play every single ring tone at least twice. And yes, middles schoolers go out with their middles school friends. But they dont drive, their parents know where they are because they brought them there! if they were to go some where that their parents didnt bring them, they A. either have someone with a cellphone with them so they can call and let their parents know or B. dont want their parents to know they are their and dont have a need to tell them anyway.
Ok... i think that's all i'm going to make pudding