made a request on icondoitdotnet and your daughter said that your husband had fallen off a ladder and is still in the hospital. I just wanted to hop over and say that I hope he's getting better and will continue to improve! Hope ya'll can go home soon! Take care!
Thanks for the well wishes! Yes, he fell from a ladder on April 26th. He fractured his skull in two places, has 4 contusions, (4 areas of "severe" brain damage) a compression fracture to L1 ... he is a mess and has been in the hospital ever since. I have been spending most of my time at the hospital, but also trying to spend time here with the girls. My Dad was here for a time helping out, but he had to go home. There is more info in my journal here, but it is friends locked. If you want to read it, feel free to friend me, and I'll friend you back as soon as I get the notice. It's not easy to read though, lots of ups and downs, and it's not all posted here, so it might be a bit hard for a new Momma to read.
Congrats on the new baby! :)
thank you!
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, that's what we're running on around here right now. :)
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