May 31, 2005 00:16
so today i saw probably the worst accident i have ever seen. but it's really freaked me out. i usually get off exit 9 to get gas...all the time. like clock work i never fuck up the exits....for some reason i did today and got off 8 by i had to drive the back way to 9. and i wasn't going to stop cause i erally didn' nned gas...i just i don't even know. i jsut stopped. well whilei was at the station a cop drove by so fast on the interstate....a little ways up was the accident. now the thing that like freaks me out is if i hadn't fucked up...i would have been in that spot at the time of the accident...maybe even involved. that freaks me out so bad. i'm been so spacy ever since. thinking about so much shit. tearing. crying. just lots of shit. it's just weird how things work out. like. i don't even know. i'm jsut ...i don't know...