Jan 04, 2005 11:28
So yeah I've been kinda MIA lately. I haven't forgotten about you guys (especially Pat and Mike) I've just been working like the dickens. I had 54 hours, including driving time, at shaws last week. It was nice to be in a new store. Check should be pretty sweet THursday. Pat and Mike I'll come visit soon when I'm not working 12-10.
Christamas was decent. Good seeing Kris, Tim, and Melody again. The holidays jsut don't feel ike holidays anymore. I worked them all. Christmas Eve, New Years Eve, New Years day....oh well. I hate holidays anyways. But yeah my check should be good. I ran into Tim Squire in Ludlow, haven't seen that kid in 3 years!
Didn't do a damn thing for new Years. Wasn't really invited to anything....so I jsut went to Harley's and went to bed. guess it's the same as any other year...sleep through it all... I guess he's living there and doing well though. Good for him. Got a few new DVDs and CDs for xmas. I am on a new CD obsession though...I gt in moods like this. I won't buy anything for months and then BAM....Bought a few new things this weekend with the gift card to Boarders that Harley got me. Ran into Dan O'Day there....haven't seen him since my accident last year. Nice to hear they are doing well. Got a pair of snowboarding pants for my other gift from Harley. Didn't end up going borading though :( Next weekend maybe, If I am not working, or when I go back to school. I can't belieeve i am saying this, but i wish we'd get a bit of snow so I can go on the hill here....
Went and played Ice hockey yesterday...yeah of course I came out injured. I split my chin open on the ice. Holding it together with a few butterfly bandaids right now. Joy, it looks hot.
Ummm jsut doing laundry and gonna shower in a min before work at shaws at 1:15....come visit me.
Cleaning my room tonight/getting things organized to move back since I haven't really lived here all break but it's where my stuff is. Hopefully I will be working both at school and shaws tomorrow, definitely shaws i already am....
Ummm yep
My chin hurts