Nov 30, 2004 21:56
Alright, so today it really it me. it's crunch time. I have a week and 1/2 of classes left. That's 10 Classes total. TEN. Fuck.
I have gone to every single class this week so far. I plan on not missing a single one for the rest of the term...we shall see how that goes.
Today I feel pretty good considering everything.
Tomorrow I am going to go to the gym becaue a) I just need to start exercising again b)I need to get in shape c) it'll make me feel better and finally d) I am losing my bet with Emre! Now let's jsut see if I can be motivated to go the rest of the term...
I'm probably going to stop at the shop tomrrow if it isn't snowing. I really want to finish my back piece and I know Mike wants to get it done as well...sooon....
I woke the other day at home and my lip was swollen. I had to put a bigger ring in....since it has gone down and I have put the small one back, but it's still red and irritated and hurts a bit. I don't know why it suddenly did this.....not cool.
I realzied how poor I am lately....but then I realized that next week I can sell my books! Yay, I'll get a little bit of money back, not a whole hell of a lot but it'll help.
Not a whole lot else to report.
I think I am going to paint in a few cause I don't have much to do...although I should start studying for my finals.....eeps. I neeed to do well casue the past month I really fucked myself over....