Prizes for 10/11 coming soon. Getting this up first, though, before I forget for a month again.
Hello and welcome to the weekly game Word Scramble! In this game I will have several titles of anime, manga, and video game series scrambled up and it's your job to help me unscramble them correctly~ The prizes are as follows: for every title you unscramble, you earn one card, making your overall possible total four random cards.
01) Unshhkiso Sski
02) Eradhst of Miet
03) Uiabsiky Imkl Aet
04) Lait fo teh Onoms
This round ends in one week, so you have until Saturday, October 8th to answer! You can only comment once, so make sure you have as many figured out as possible before you comment~ This round is CLOSED!
Previous Round's Answers
01) Elemental Gelade
02) Ghost Hunt
03) The Law of Ueki
04) Slayers
edit [10/04] - An error on my part, but title four had an extra letter added in it shouldn't have had. I apologize for this. Feel free to answer with or without said letter; I'll be counting both right since I screwed up.