Word Scramble 01

Jun 05, 2011 03:34

I regret nothing with this banner. /stands out from everybody

Hello and welcome to the weekly game Word Scramble~ In this game I will have several titles of anime, manga, and video game series scrambled up and it's your job to help me unscramble them. For this special round (grand opening yay), I have 8 titles here instead of the usual 4 for regular rounds. So for this round, prizes are as follows: for every two titles you can correctly unscramble, you'll win yourself one random card. If you manage to get all 8 titles unscrambled correctly, I'll also throw in one more card and a random camera, making the highest possible prize five random cards and one random camera.

01) Kiaaamsm Okzaku
02) Kotusisu Yill
03) Setiln Llih
04) Lumeaftl Chiestalm
05) Nads Ceonlischr
06) Lnetear Saaotn
07) Oker wa Oizmeb Sude ak
08) Rkanleva

Everything's mixed in together, but to (hopefully) help narrow things down a bit, I will let you know this: out of the eight titles listed above, three of them are anime, three are manga, and the remaining two are video games.

This round ends in one week, so you have until Sunday, June 12th to answer! You can only comment once, so make sure you have as many figured out as possible before you comment~ is CLOSED!

game: word scramble, mod: aletha, ~weekly

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