Apr 02, 2006 22:55
I'm new to this whole LiveJournal thing. I like the concept, but I don't really like the structure. As far as online communities go, Facebook's got the design down. LiveJournal isn't as bad as the quagmire that is MySpace, but it's still not perfect. It's frustrating to want to do my own design for the site. I could host the darn thing myself and not worry about design, but that would negate the so-called connectivity that LiveJournal offers. Sigh.
I'm planning a slideshow. Actually, I've been planning it for awhile. This has been the first time that I've been able to devote serious time to it. I've got the music picked out, as that is always the first and hardest step. I have no musical talents, so it's easier to shape the photographs around the music. For everything to flow, these things have to be structured to the second for the roughing-in phase, and calibrated to the frame for the final output. Every picture is sketched out in a notebook. It's hours of work. Between the time it takes to sketch out the photographs, shoot the photographs, edit the photographs, compile the slideshow in Apple's Motion software, and render a final version, I estimate that one minute of program takes over a day to create. Between school and work, it can take up to six months to shoot all the photos. So far, the effort has always been justifiable.
Ron made the mistake of asking Dave for advice on moving a refrigerator from his cottage to his house, where it would keep drinks cool in the basement. An ice bucket currently serves the same purpose. The conversation went something like this:
Ron: "I'm thinking of putting a fridge in the basement so that I can store drinks in it at train-meeting time."
Dave: "Enh, enh! No, Ran! That is a space-eater, Ran! I have 800 square feet of living space. That is more than I need. Use your metal pail, as you have done in the past. No, no, Ran, you cannot bring in a space-eater. Your pail does not need to be washed, but you will always be scrubbing your refrigerator."
Ron: "But, Dave, the idea is to save time when preparing for a meeting. I wouldn't have to run out and get ice for the pail. Besides, my fridge only takes up a small amount of room."
Dave: "Enh, enh, what is wrong with you people? You people buy these huge houses and fill them up with space-eaters. Ran, you should be trying to get rid of your space-eaters, not allowing them to propagate."
Heck, I could use a few space-eaters myself around here. A dining-room table would be good for starters.