Apr 04, 2023 17:11
The mobile cell Phones?
The events around the police killing of George Ffloyd opened the door to mainstreaming meadia on a new level and blue on black crime became a racial issue if it was or was not for a time!
In the Misddle-East the spring rising to the militant situation in Syria and the Palestinian question this type of media is essential, but in the Ukraine it has not happened, since Kiev only allows out what it wants the world to see rather than the truth?
But despite all these progressions and set backs, we are now in a new era with the Internet and the United States does not like they being seen as crooked as they always have been in C and S-American power changes!
May mobile phone be the future of digital media and creativity as well as selfies and the collection of face recognition formulas to gather from what seems innocent fun to sinister possibilities by all world security and intelligence agencies???