
Jul 13, 2021 12:57

Detail and Expression Photograpy?

This genre will remain a favorite for the artist and expressionist, yet for forensic work by the police and security services it is an essential for the deatial to prove many things! that does not exclude colur it to has its advantages and details in its own right and not just a pretty picture!

Now the summer is here millions will be emjoying photography and many services will be indated with the deamand for framed pictures and art boards, while traditional processing will also be employed?

But the sun has nothing to do with monochrome imaging, since atmosphere can be gained on the dullest of days and stepping into the spectrum of infared is another option with many more surprising results?

Who ever said photography was boring?

#whoeversaidphotographywasboring, #detailpolice&security, #expressionphotograhy, #monochrome, #infaredspectrum

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