Experimenting with extreme long exposures.
Star trails.
About a 15 minute long exposure. Digital.
This is a digital/colour version of the other print I did for my time&motion project. The film exposure was also done for about 20-30 minutes. I have another one that lasted even longer than that. I'm going to make a print of that soon.
I NEED TO SHOOT FOR MY FINAL PROJECT OMG. I still have no idea what I'm doing and I'm getting really scared. I have the rest of this week to shoot and all next week I have to print because my project is due on 4 December, which is a Monday. D: *whimpers* I also wanted to go to school today to develop the four? rolls of film that I've shot already. That didn't happen.
I stayed up until 4:00 yesterday morning messing with the new Order of the Phoenix trailer. I ended up with 64 high res screen caps. I have a few of them linked
here (NOT DIAL-UP SAFE OR LOW RES - they don't even fit fully on my normal 1024x768 screen). I can send the link to the .zip file if anyone wants them for whatever reason. Also, wtf to little to no Draco in this movie?! Rar.
I'll be stfu'ing now. Later.