A real life update! Imagine that.
First off, I'm looking for a new job. Like, actually looking this time. I put in an application with a company the other day and will apply for another position at the same company. I am also going to try to put in my resume (which I have to write) at another company that my mom told me about. I've been working at the tanning salon for 2 1/2 years now and it's really time for a new job. I need more money and more hours. The pay and hours at the shop are just not enough, even though I love who I work with and enjoy the people (for the most part) that come into the shop. It's social interaction on a daily basis that I don't get normally. But oh well, I've already told my manager that I'm putting in applications places. I just hope the fact that I'm going on vacation July 16-24 doesn't hinder any interest on their part. We'll see though!
Speaking of that, I'm going on a cruise! It's the first one I'll have ever been on and I'm very excited. We have to drive to Galveston though to port out. We'll be going to Montego Bay, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, and Cozumel, Mexico. I'm looking forward to visiting the places more than anything. The only bad thing is I'll most likely be completely cut off from the internet, unless I want to pay an assload to get online. Which, sadly, I'm not too inclined to want to do.
My room finally got a makeover. My stepdad finally (after about 6 months) put the wooden floors down in my room. They make my room look so much bigger (even though it's not) and I finally got rid of that fonky carpet.
Ignore the green sheet under Sunny's cage. I'm still looking for a plastic mat (like a computer chair mat) for a cheap price. All the ones I find online and in the stores are $40+ and I really would like to find a cheaper one.
I still haven't put all of my furniture back in my room though. I'm kind of hesitant to do so since I'm supposed to be getting a new bed. (Big, wooden, storage bed from Ashley's Furniture.) And I would rather wait for that to come in and be put up before I put my bookshelves / cube storage back in. I was going to rearrange my room a bit but unfortunately the way it is (with a few minor tweaks) is the only way everything will fit in my room. OTL.
Along with new floors and a new bed, I am also redoing my closet (again). I got some more skinny hangers from Marshall's yesterday and have started the process of removing crappy hangers.
I have way too many clothes and not enough closet space to fit everything. That is why the new bed will be a Godsend. It has drawers all around it and I can put all my folded clothes in the drawers at the foot of the bed. (
This is the bed.)
Yesterday I also got some new fingernail polish. I've started painting my nails at least once a week and have become slightly obsessed with nail art. I am not good at it but I'm trying to learn. Lol.
My China Glaze haul from Sally's. I had a 15% coupon if I spent more than $20 so I bought these.
This week (until Wednesday at least) I'm kind of cat sitting. John and Ben went on vacation to Austin (bitches!) and I was supposed to stay over there and take care of all the animals but it was just easier for the dogs to go to Ben's mom's house and me just go check on the cats and fish.
The babies yesterday:
Sue Ellen
And my Sunny butt. XD
John and Ben finally gave me my (early) birthday present before they left too. :)
It's so pretty.
And I've gotten down to 147.8 lbs. That's a total loss of 17.7 lbs. I'm still trying to lose a few more before the cruise but we'll see! I'm happy where I am. I'm getting more confident (with a bit of persuasion from others). I've been wearing clothes I never would put on before. Shorter shorts, tighter shirts. Things I really shouldn't feel uncomfortable in. I see girls who are much bigger than me wearing things that are a lot tighter and a lot shorter, so I think my more modest way of dressing shouldn't be such a big deal.
I wore this to work yesterday:
My shorts go a little less than half way up my thigh, there's no ass hanging out, no serious cellulite legs and all that. Lol. I just need to tone my legs and arms more. Hey, I'm working on it. :) I'll never be bikini body fit (wayyyy too many stretch marks and flabby skin), but that's okay. And I'm learning to accept that fact.
Okay well I think that got a little long. XD Growing up is serious business and I'm just trying to take it one day at a time.
Anyway I need to go to John's house and take care of the babies and pick up my brother on the way home. Ta for now, lovelies~♥