I have stumbled across a new site that is trying to get awareness out about IBD issues. IBD or Irritable Bowel Disease is basically the blanket for Chrons and Ulcerative Colitis (Which is what I have). Anyway the site is....
http://www.thegreatbowelmovement.org/index.html. They have all kinds of info on the disease itself, stories from people who have suffered the disease, and info on getting awareness out there. They also have t-shirts. I know it sounds a little lame but it is a good thing. The proceeds from the t-shirts go towards the foundation and help again spread awareness.
Now I am wanting to get the t-shirt... especially the one that says "Ask me abut my J-Pouch", since i just had the surgery and all 3 weeks ago. However, they also have shirts that say "My __ has Colitis" You can write whatever in the blank. The reason why I am so adamant about these shirts is because I do want to spread awareness about this. Also I would love to be able to spot someone else with these shirts and talk to them. Honestly if I had seen someone ou there wearing these shirts I would go right up and talk to them. It is really scary and a little embarrassing to try and figure it all out. I can't tell you how many times I had to explain what the hell I had but when I first found out what it was I was really confused. I went out and found the info myself on line but I really wanted to talk to a person who had gone through it. The closest I had was Frieda Jason's Dad's girlfriend who had colon cancer (which does arise if UC goes untreated). She had gone through the same surgery where they took my large intestine. She had to wear the ostomy bag. SO she knew the hell I was going through and it made me feel less alone. Unfortunately she died from her colon cancer a few months back. I do still feel a bit depressed about it but I am truly happy that I got to know her.
This whole thing has been a life changing moment for me. I really want to do more to get the info out there. I hope to do the walk next year (once I am healed). I want to be more active in the groups and organizations. I feel that it is my duty to try and explain to the world that "Yes I had some bad guts but it took guts to get through this." Fortunately UC can be cured by surgery (which is what I had), but Chrons cannot. Chrons is a hit or miss and sometimes there is just nothing they can do. But trying to get the word out and trying to help those who have it, or just have been diagnosed, or have had it for years is something I feel as a survivor I must get out there.
So again here is the web site where you can get info, donate, and buy a t-shirt.
http://www.thegreatbowelmovement.org/index.html Here are some pictures of those shirts....
SO yeah...check it out.