So iv been sick with stomach issues for a while now. I thought it was a gluten thing but now I just don't know. Went to the doc on mon thinking I was just getting a blood test but then he sent me to the gastro specialist. That dr. gave me an endoscopy that day and then called for a colonoscopy on Friday. Which is later today. I can honestly say I for one am scared and really tired of going to the bathroom. Oh and IM REALLY FUCKIN HUNGRY! I was on a liquid diet all day and now have to wait till 11am to get the procedure.
I know they need to test to see what's there but I'm more afraid of the results. So here I am almost 3am still awake because I'm anxious as hell. I'm sure its going to be something minor but there is a thought in there of what if. Also the idea of someone shoving a camera in me as I sleep really gets to me. Argh and the thought of " should I have gone sooner?" too many questions and have to wait for answers. I hate waiting and not knowing.
Anyway I thought I would share a little bit about what's going on. Now time ti try and sleep.
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