
Feb 26, 2007 19:22

An Arthurian batch, for which you can blame snowyofthenight and myself.

i. The brothers Orkney; sinned (by snowyofthenight)
If one has sinned, one repents and asks forgiveness, or one is punished and after-wards, all is mostly well again; but the smallest of the brothers, the fair haired fair-hands sees the rage and the hate and the darker things no one speaks of which rule all in his family, and he wonders, hopes that he can learn before he, too, is consumed, how to repent for the sin of being Orkney born.

ii. Arthur/Guenivere/Lancelot; where (by snowyofthenight)
It seems that wherever he goes, Arthur is, looking at him and smiling at him and professing his friendship softly-- and sometimes Guenevere is at his arm, eyes lowered, and the air seems heavy with things unsaid, an oppressive weight that only the King cannot feel.

iii. Mordred; address (by snowyofthenight)
The first time he addressed the king as but a little page, it shook him to the core to see (for he'd always known) there before him why his eyes were dark when his brothers' were pale, why his aunt-mother kept him close, why his uncle-father (right before him) would never aknowledge him.

iv. The brothers Orkney; count (by snowyofthenight)
It's hard, with so many boys, to make anything you do count-- hard to do something that Gawain hasn't succeeded in first, think of something Mordred hasn't first, say something Agravain hasn't said first (Gareth, the baby, finds something in the end: not losing his temper).

v. The brothers Orkney; gather
They went tumbling out of doors like the pack of wild puppies they were, yelping and laughing and throwing themselves about in the dew-dampened fields; but at the end of the day, they came humbly back home, arms full of the herbs and flowers, gathered for their mother (because, at the end of the day, they were all hers).

vi. Gawain; pink
When first he saw - and shuddered at - the loathsome hag, he never expected that one day her gentle touch would make him shiver and turn his cheeks a merry pink.

vii. Lynet; coherent
Sometimes (and sometimes was quite often), her temper got the better of her, and she flew into a rage so dramatic and absorbing that she became nearly incoherent in her fury (and sometimes, he liked to provoke her into these rages, just to see her, for once, speechless).

viii. Gawain; joy
It wasn't that he took joy from fighting and killing (he left that to his brothers); it was just that, when compared to the magic and manipulations of the women around him, being the knight seemed infinitely preferable to being the lady.

where, address, gareth, gawain, mordred, coherent, lynet, guenivere, arthurian, gather, lancelot, pink, count, gaheris, sinned, agravain, joy, arthur

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