Because weirdly plausible crossovers are love.
Mickle, Montparnasse, extortion
The girl cocks her birdlike profile toward Montparnasse with a smirk, not at all dismayed. "Extortion's for people who aren't clever enough for burglary."
Azelma, Justin, chaste
They would tell tales in Westmark, for years after, of his single-minded savagery. The little French girl would remember only that he had kissed her cheek, chastely, and looked at her with a smile that seemed to understand all that she had suffered.
Eponine, Zara, fierce
Secretly Eponine knows she is softer, more forgiving than this redheaded girl with her outlandish accent, whose fierceness goes clear to the bone.
Bahorel, Theo, glamour
There's nothing glamourous about it, Theo wants to shout at the boy; wants to take him by his outrageous waistcoat and shake him till he understands. There's only one end to this road, and it's a longer way back than you can imagine.