(no subject)

May 25, 2011 19:55

I am borrowing my roomie's laptop for a little bit to let you all know that my monitor is on the fritz again and that's why I haven't been around much lately... I am still mostly all over twitter, but even that is suffering.
This whole... real... life... thing is shockingly easy to adjust to again. I'm moving (just down the hall into a one bedroom apt) in July, and there's some lady coming to look at this apartment tomorrow, so I'm cleaning EVERYTHING. It still looks like ass, but overall, there is *less* ass to look at soooo...
I'm also reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I want to punch her in the boob.



HII lmeden  HIIIIIII!!! <3
You two lovelies aren't on teh twittas and so I rarely talk to you, but I LOVE YOU!!! <333
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