It makes me mad when people are ignorant. Today I was reading articles on two things that pertain to me:
Potential furloughs for teachers2)
Whether ADHD is over-diagnosed I probably shouldn't have read on and read the comments. People are IDIOTS! There are people that think that teachers are nothing but babysitters, teachers don't work enough (and we just squander our summers since we obviously have nothing to do), people who think that ADHD is a made up illness (by parents and teachers who don't know how to "handle" kids.) You can read for yourself... if you can stand the stupidity.
On a brighter note: Despite some drama going down, these last 2 days have been pretty awesome. I got to play my cello with my fellow orchestra teachers (which made me think about joining a local orchestra), had 2 Kindergarteners tell me that my class is their favorite Specials, and had a K teacher tell me again (!) how much her class enjoys my class. So we'll just say that my professional life is going pretty good! I've also found out where I'll be teaching next year. I'm sad that I'm not teaching orchestra, but it's better than no job! (No idea what grades I'll be teaching though...)
Bill so busy right now with all his concerts and recitals, it makes me feel a little guilty about having free time. Free time=bad though when you're in a relationship and the other person is far away. Makes you miss them that much more. :(
I love that the flowers are returning. (I bet my nose and sinus won't be soon though!)
Hope everybody's doing well! :)