More photostory goodness.

Nov 22, 2006 09:13

Okay so I've been updating my photostories on dA and I guess this is for the people who are checking them out but don't normally watch dA so they haven't seen the latest installment. Yesterday I did a 28 pic photostory so on dA I broke it up into two parts. I'm going to post them here but they're in two PNG files so they're really big images. I'll include a brief summary of what has happened up until now if anyone is just too lazy to check out dA. *L* It's okay, I understand completely.

Obligatory teaser image

The story up until now: After Yan kissed him to get his bunny back Leo had been ignoring Yan until finally Yan came to confront him about it. In the process he flirted with Leo, leaning in close enough that it freaked Leo out and he pushed him backwards off the arm of the chair he was sitting on. Yan decided he'd had enough and left. Leo, being the gentleman that he is, felt bad and followed him to apologize. All of this ended in Leo kissing Yan. Yes, Leo kissed Yan, not the other way around. He apologized and left. That was two days ago...

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