tired of everything

May 21, 2004 17:56

this week has been another bad week. seems like since summer is getting closer the days are getting harder. wayy harder.

schools sucha lamer.
ok my friends are like breaking up left anf right. everyone that i hang out with seems to be mad at eachother for one reason or another and its frightening. me and this one friend have a really weird relationship. i dont know how to explain it but now everythings all weird and we barely talk.? i dont know what happened for us not to talk besides the fact that she did something to me and i wasnt cool with it but then she apoligized and what not and now everything worse.

i cant take everyone hating eachother. im sick of it. so sick
i want to run away for a month and then come home and have everything to be normal again but that obviously isnt how it works. well lets see what else is gooing on.having sex is becoming a trend in my mind and everyones doing it for the wrong reasons. its hard and its hard to work through but i guess people will just give in and go wild with it. seems like its the coooool thing to do. damn hotties make people wanna have sex i tell yah. everything revolves around sex sex this sex that. (gang bang isle one). EvERYTHINg. it IS outrageous.

its so UNHEALTHY. hah

but now off the sex topic..........
there was a repeat repeat show at lunch yesterday which was goood but no one was dancing? dont know why?

--------something tells me this weekend is going to be lame
wow im sucha positive person

but im excited for the rocket summer with julie because i love julie. shes my gang bang woman. in other words shes my bitch.

DANCE WITH ME::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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