Sep 14, 2006 23:17
i haven't been on here in so long. hahaha. wow this pic of me is really fucking old.
summer was great. i actually only hung out with the same three people the whole summer...but mainly just one of them. who i've become really, really, really, really close with. but still... :/ i feel kinda bad about ditching my other friends but i kinda felt like i just needed a break...even though they went off to college. but hey, we still gots winter break and spring break...and summer. which, me and april counted, is about 4 months long. hahaha. starts in early - mid may and ends in like late august-early sept. sweeeeet. and also these three people i took a break from too and started hanging out with the other people that i'm taking a break from now.
if that makes any sense.
just sometimes...i need to take breaks from people so i don't get sick of them...because it just sucks when that happens. i'm kind of an asshole when i take breaks from people too because i won't talk to them that much...i mean, i'll talk to them if i see them and i get a chance to hang out with them...but i start not texting and not calling (not like i do much calling anyways, i hate talking on the phone....a lot). i'm not even gonna say not going online because i do that anyways. hahaha. i only go on now when i'm in the mood which kinda ruins my relationships with my online friends like stu and jenny. :[ especially since they lives in cali. and also katie, or...mary k. i should say, who lives in iowa. :''[ who, by the way, if they're reading this or are curious about them, THEY'RE AWESOME. AND DON'T WORRY GUYS I STILL LOVES YOU.
school so far's been great. i like it. it's more chill than hs. ha. you don't have to ask to go to the bathroom, you just go. the teachers/professors don't get on your ass if you're just sitting around in the hallways, they don't tell to "get back to class" or anything. coolio. well, mainly the classroom experience is kinda different than hs. the teachers just start talking and you just know that you have take notes, no one tells you. it's like...automatic...almost robot like. but...the people are the same. you've still got your typical japs, typical emos, typical scene kids, typical ghettos, typical wiggers...and all that jazz.
there ARE some hot guys (ofcourse some part of my entry has to be about guys lmao). not as many as i thought. good enough. more lookers than livingston. and also...the guys actually check me and april know...boosts my self esteem by like 100 points. hahaha. i'll just be sitting talking and laughing with april and the guys walk by and check you out. hot stuff right there.
there's also crazy amounts of people from livingston going to my school, county college of morris, and wow. hahahaha. i see atleast 5 people from livingston a day. and what's funny is that people that never talked to you in hs always manage to smile and say hi to you now, even if you don't really like them and they don't really like you. i's just nice to see a familiar face every now and then. :] we're all the same. we all have that anxiety that we're not going to know anyone. and i DID get lost on the first day. hahaha. whoops?
i'm only taking 3 classes right now because i don't want to overload myself, plus all the classes i'm supposed to take for my major, graphic design, were closed out by the time i registered. :/ except photo 1. but i'm taking photo 1: intro to digital photography. cool stuff. we work with this beta version of a new adoe program, Adobe Lightroom. it's nice. it's fun to play with, i don't have to convert my RAW images before working with them, i can just open the Lightroom program and started working on them, tweaking the contrast, making it grayscale, whatever. it's awesome.
and the people in my classes are pretty nice. i met this one girl in my photo class, i have yet to catch her name (even though this was like the 3rd week of school...). whoopsie-doodles. i only go in for like 3 days a week. wednesdays, thursdays, and fridays. wednesdays and fridays i have english which only lasts like 1 hr and 15 mins, then i go home. and april's in my class which is even better. plus, my english class starts at 11:30 and ends at 12:45. IT'S SO GREAT. AND IT'S THE ONLY CLASS I TAKE ON THOSE DAYS. on thursdays i have photo, it starts at 10 and ends at 2:15...usually. it's 4 hours long because it's a lecture AND a one. but it's not so bad because my teacher gives us in class assignments and if you finish them early, you can leave. which today i left at like 12:30 and hung out with april before her sociology class started...then i just sat outside her class doing word searches for over an hour.
that's another thing, i carpool with april who has sky rocketed to be one of my best friends...ever. like i'm not even joking. we've become so close this year. haha. and i just met her, basically, this year and we're so close that you would think that we've known each other for years and years. sometimes i even forget that i met her this year. hahahahahaha. we're such losers.
ANYWAYS, my third class is college algebra. it's great because it's online and i can work on it anytime i want basically, as long as i use this program to study with so my teacher sees my progress and also the "home work" which is actually just a mini quiz. i took my first one on tuesday and i didn't even know what it was on and i got a 13/14. which is a 92.5% :]]]
and...i think that's it. well...actually it's not. but, i don't feel like wasting anymore of your time reading this, if you actually got this far. :]