Aug 28, 2004 00:04
k i have totally been neglecting my live journal......
so the past few weeks i pretty much have been doing the same thing..... wither i wake up go to school.... hang out...... go to lunch with joey kev alex and jason....... go back to school........ go home.... go to alexs/joeys....... eat free food (usually pizza) drink a lot of diet coke and play purple rain.......
or i wake up hang out around the house and do errands...... go to michaels/office max...... go to alexs and make magnets or signs..... go to joeys/alexs play purple rain.
that has been my life...... purple rain is an amazing game..... lol.... we are obsessed......
yesterday we went to alxs and suprised her...... we just chilled in her extremly hot room til she got home....... came upstairs open the door and freaked out...... u would to if u saw 8 people sitting on ur bed........ lol...... then of course we went to joeys and played purple rain and talked to his parents and kelseys parents....
i had one of my senior pic appointments today....... my outside shots...... they are really cool......... most people are gonna make fun of me for them and a lot of people are gonna be mad... but i dont care i love them...... then i went to kims bday...... and kev carolan marie and i taught people there how to play purple rain.....
TACO NIGHT... second one of the summer....... this sunday...... its a big celebration for me... not only is it our last night of freedom... its the day elena moves back to michigan... YAY....... lol...... and its the vmas....... so we can watch them too if we want....... let me know if u wanna come...........
sooooo excited for Punta Cana on mid winter break.... so far for sure its me alex carolan and jumoke.... and most likely joey christy marie steve alx and maybe steph..... its gonna be sooooooo much fun.... let me know if any one else wants info on it........
well i should go to sleep...... i need my rest...... back to photographing high school football tomorrow at the silverdome.......