Smiles and Halloween

Nov 07, 2011 15:13

At this time we have a few photos. We combined topics of Smile in the City and Halloween.

Next topic is Café. We hope you have a lot of pictures with a cafe and you send them to us to e-mail or by filling out the form .
We are waiting for your photos prior to November 14.

Good luck

St.Petersburg, Russia
Autor: coleopter

Россия, Ростов-на-Дону
Autor: sunlifefreedom

Россия, Ростов-на-Дону
Autor: sunlifefreedom

Россия, Ростов-на-Дону
Autor: sunlifefreedom

London, England
Autor: _pip_pop_
Author's comment: Me and my boyfriend on our way to the Globe Theatre.

Autor: tatti75
Author's comment: Моя дочь Мари в день Хеллоуина -31 октября 2011

Paris, France
Autor: Lisa

Lille, France
Autor: Vera Elistratova


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