:-D Words cannot express my excitement!!!!

Feb 19, 2010 16:46

Exciting thing #1: Got a call around 1:30, but I was in class. I didn't recognize the number, so I made Halli look it up because she had her computer. It was from Brown (!!) When I listened to the message, the Associate Dean for graduate and post-doctoral studies said she wanted to talk and had some questions for me, about my interests. I called her after getting back home - she was very cautiously optimistic!! Talked about funding, and how the admissions process for the program I applied to is a little convoluted, but I should "not be surprised" if I get an invitation to do an interview visit next week!!!!!! :-D (She basically said that, if she were in charge of finalizing invites, I'd be going. :-D)

Exciting thing #2: Got an email from the professor at Clemson who thinks I'm so awesome he contacted me out of the blue to join his lab. I am provisionally accepted with a teaching assistantship!! (pending the final approval of the Department Chair) :-D!!!!!!

I'm so excited!!!

yay!, news_of_life, i_win_at_life, wow, *squee!*

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