What, me, procrastinate? Never!!

Jan 26, 2008 17:15

The fire alarm went off yesterday morning. 15 minutes before my alarm was set to go off. That is really not enough time to go back to sleep. The worst part is that it only went off for about 30 seconds - enough to wake everyone up and force me to get out of bed and start to leave the room. I was pretty ticked off.

Two of my applications will be in the mail on Monday!! I honestly don't think I'd do the one in Florida, even though behavioral research on dolphins would be pretty cool to do, but since they don't provide housing or transportation and it's unpaid, I just don't think I could afford it. The one in Alaska looks pretty awesome, though. The website says they provide housing and a food stipend, although other places on the site indicate that housing is limited and food stipends might not be available, but as long as I have housing I think I'll be fine. I'd probably end up renting a bike or something to get around - the town is absolutely tiny!!! 3,015 people, according the the 2005 census estimate. That's 10% of NC State's population! Craziness!!

And after I get those sent off, I'll be working on the application for the sea turtle research internship. Which is just down at the outer banks, a lot closer. And once I finish that one, I'll do the one for the wildlife rehab place in Washington!!

Hopefully I'll get one of those...

Otherwise I'll probably just get a job at a vet's office somewhere here, maybe do some volunteering at the museum. If nothing else, that'll let me know whether I actually want to avoid small animal medicine, which is my hunch right now. I just feel like I'd get so bored doing mostly dogs and cats all day every day. I think I'd much prefer exotics of some type, because then it's going to be different every day, and I'll have more opportunity to keep challenging myself to learn new things about new animals. It would be more stimulating, I think.

I have finished 2 books so far this year: The Grey King and Silver on the Tree by Susan Cooper. Had to finish up the Dark is Rising series.

I also "read" Happiness is a Squishy Cephalopod, the "Lio" collection that Halli got me for my birthday. <3 I think that's my new favorite comic. Although, "Calvin & Hobbes" probably wins overall.

I just realized it's dinnertime. Mmm, food.

Also, I did NOT do the Krispy Kreme Challenge this morning. That would've basically been suicide.

books=love, news_of_life, cephalopods_ftw, 08books

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