Life is pretty much crazyness...

Oct 17, 2007 10:19

So. Haven't updated in forever. Lots to talk about!!

So, a few weeks ago, I took an online test to qualify for the Jeopardy College Tournament. Last Thursday, I got an email saying I have a follow-up audition!!! :-D I'm so excited!! ^__^ It's in Nashville, TN, on Nov. 4th, so I'm flying out there on the 3rd. Which means I have to miss the marching band's exhibition at a high school competition. Dr. Garcia made me a little nervous on Monday, when I had to have his decision on whether I'll be excused, but he said it's okay, so I'm all good!! :-D I'm pretty much psyched that I made it this far, and I've got my fingers crossed that I'll actually make to the show. (Trying to be realistic, so I'm not holding my breath, but I figure I've got a shot for making it this far!!)

Of course, now I have to think of appropriate interesting/amusing anecdotes to share, and all I can actually think of so far that's good is getting bit by snakes over the summer. Oh, well. I'm sure I'll come up with some good stuff in time!

In other good news, I have a topic for my ethics term paper that should be really fun to do (at least, as fun as writing a paper can be...). Basically, it's something that I'll find really interesting to research and write about, which is about all you can ask for in a topic! And I'm pretty sure I can write a good short paper to turn in soon, so I'll be essentially done with all the requirements except in-class quizzes and my term paper! :-)

This morning was a little stressful... Got up at 7:15 so I could register. 7:30 - enter my PIN, and find out there's a hold on my records!!! :-O So I checked my account, paid it, and then I had to wait until 8 to call the Cashier's Office. Gah! Called them at 8, and spoke to who I thought would be the right person - they told me to call Registration & Records. I did, got an answering machine ("Our hours are 8 am to 5 pm! ^_^" IT'S ALREADY AFTER 8!!!! >:-@). Decided to wait a few minutes, called my mom to see whether she'd gotten an email about the September bill, since I hadn't. She had, and just hadn't looked at it. HWHAAT?! I was more than a little frustrated and upset. See, I wanted to be up and registered early, because the honors seminar I want to take seemed like it would be very popular and fill up quickly. So, after several minutes of her repeatedly apologizing and me eventually going, "It'll be fine! I'll get it fixed!" (really, I just wanted to end that conversation so I could go about the fixing. Honestly! The longer I wait, the more likely the class would be full!!) we ended that call, and I managed to talk to Registration and Records. Who told me to call the Cashier's Office. Arrgh!! So, I called them again and talked to a different person this time! I explained my problem, said I'd just paid it online, gave the confirmation number, and she unblocked my access. Yay!!! ^_^ And, luckily, the seminar I really wanted wasn't full yet. ^_^ But it was an emotional time for a bit... I'm glad it's over and resolved.

Funny thing happened after I went to bed, though. I took a shower, climbed into bed just before 1. I'd been asleep for an hour, tops, when I woke up. I could hear Halli working on her laptop, and I looked at my clock, which (20 minutes ahead) said 2:15. For some reason, I wasn't processing the fact that it was barely 2 in the morning, more than 5 hours before I'd planned to wake up and register. My brain was on a mission: I was going to register, and I was going to register NOW! I climbed out of bed, turned on my computer. Halli was like, "Is everything okay?" I was like, "Yes, every thing's fine." Why was she asking me that? Then she asked if I'd forgotten to do something, and it finally clicked that it wasn't time for me to register yet. I felt very silly. X-D So I went back to bed. Although, I really didn't sleep very well. I think I was really afraid I'd oversleep my alarm and miss registering for that class I wanted so badly. (Which I'm registered for now! Yay!) I woke up around 4:30 and it took me about 5 minutes to process the fact (again) that it still wasn't time to register. Same thing happened around 5. I wasn't very coherent... I kept having the weird idea that my clock was being slow or something, and it actually was past 7:15 even though my clock said 5:05. And it felt like every time I laid down I fell asleep, but I'd wake up and look at the clock again and it would be the exact same time!! Which didn't really help my paranoia that my clock wasn't right... I did eventually fall back asleep, but... last night was kind of rough all around.

So. I think that's about it for now. So much crazyness happening!!!

yay!, news_of_life, crazyness, rant-ness, jeopardy!

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