What a night!!

Jul 06, 2007 22:21

So, I've had an eventful evening.

I came home and needed to do some research so I would get all my work ours this week. Then I find out that our LAN connector thingy is messed up somehow, so I can't connect to the internet. Eventually, I got online and did my work.

I went back to the museum to watch the "Natural Horror Picture Show," and decided on my way that I really wanted a watermelon milkshake. So I went to Cookout.

I go through the drive-thru, order my milkshake: "I'd like a watermelon milkshake!" "Is that all?" "Yep! ^_^" "$2.14." I pull forward to the window, pay my money, take my shake, and start driving to the museum. When I put my straw into my shake (don't worry! I was stopped at a light!) and took a sip...

IT WAS BANANA PUDDING. WHAT?!? How do you get "banana pudding" from "watermelon"??? Not that it wasn't good, it just wasn't watermelon. (I drank it anyway, except I regretted it after the movie, because if I hadn't, I could have justified going through again to get a real watermelon milkshake.) Someone else probably took a sip of their milkshake and was like, "OMGracious, why does my milkshake taste like watermelon? Where is my banana pudding?!?!"

Anyway, the movie was, as usual, hilarious in its lack of good film techniques. And there was fish slapping!! That was possibly the best part. The two main male characters just started slapping each other with dead fish. So great.

Oh, yeah, the movie was "Last Woman on Earth," directed by Roger Corman.

Anyway, came home after the movie (and I didn't win anything during trivia time, *sigh*) and my sister was like, "I should go reserve my copy of HP7." I did not know that Barnes & Noble is normally open until 11 pm!! So we went, and she did, and then we spent nearly an hour looking around. X-D Because we <3 books. ^_^

Also, I found out that they start handing out wristbands for getting the book at 4 pm Friday. When I am still at work. ;~; I think, on that day, I shall get off the bus at the mall, walk over to the bookstore to get my wristband (and possibly my sister's), then go home and prepare for THE BIG NIGHT!! :-D

So, yeah, big night for me. X-D I found several books that I want while at the bookstore: The Princess Bride, a collection of all 5 Hitchhiker's Guide books, and a really cool crochet book (Couture Crochet Workshop by Lily Chin).

And that's about it! I'm really pretty tired, since I didn't sleep very well last night.

Oh! But the craziest thing happened to me on Wednesday. I got kissed in an elevator.

I was on my way out of work (I only worked the morning - 2 whole hours! :-D), taking the elevator from the 3rd floor to the 1st, when it stopped on the 2nd and a family got on. This little boy, about 3 years old, walks in and starts telling me about all the cool stuff he's seen (or something, he was a little hard to understand). I'm all ready to say, "That's cool!" or something similar when he finishes. Like you do with little kids. He walks over to me, hugs my leg, and presses his face against my hip (I admit, I thought he was smelling me for a second). His mom was apologetic ("I guess he just felt like giving you a random kiss!"), but I was like, "It's fine!" And her friend said something about how everyone needs a random kiss once in a while. It was pretty amusing, although a little surprising.

Just thought I'd share!

books=love, news_of_life, ihasajob, mmmfood, rant-ness, computer_issues, wishlist, hp, kids_these_days, geeky_movies

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