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Jun 19, 2008 09:01

That 'hey, get to know me!' meme.

You know how sometimes people on your friend's list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE? Since when are they dating HIM/HER? since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you *should* already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy mine below, erase my answers putting yours in their place then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration! One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out. :)

1. First name: Edon

2. Age: 22

3. Location: Melbourne and surrounds

4. Occupation: Leading Donut Slave for KK

5. Partner?: Richard. It's been a week, whoo!

6. Kids: Maybe one day. I'd like twins, so then I would only have to birth once. lol. Actually I think I'd prefer to adopt but that's so troublesome, where as pregnancy would include far less paperwork.

7. Brothers/Sisters:  2 brothers, one sister, and they're all married so 2 sisters in law and one brother in law, one niece and two nephews.

8. Pets: Aztec the slightly scruffy puppy. We don't know what breed he is, we always get as far as terrier and don't know where to go from there. I think he has whippet in him because he's so darn skinny. Also when his scruffy fur goes down in the bath and he starts shivering, totally looks like a whippet there.

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
1. Team Leadering at work. Occasionally I fuck up in big ways, I'm only one month of team leadering in, so I guess that's kinda to be expected? I am learning and hopefully dealing with things a little better. For instance I never would have called anyone before, and now I manage to pluck up the courage to call people for work. Whoo!
2. Moving Out! Well actually, I'm not moving out but I really should and kinda want to. I mean, I sleep on a couch at my mums because that's all that will fit in here! She has too much shit. But the trouble with moving out is that Holly has horses, and it's near impossible to find a place for two not wealthy people to rent which also happens to have stables. We found the perfect place, in a near perfect position (well it was still a fair way from work but not too bad, about 40km? Holly works near the airport so would be good for her too.) Only  it was $400 a week which would have been ideal has we had 2 extra people but we just dont! Maybe when Jeanette gets back from South America but then she has 2 horses herself so, you know, 5 horses? I'm not sure they would have fit. There was room for 4 but not 5. Plus she doesnt get back for another month, and she might prefer to live with her boyfriend or something? who knows.
3. Jeanette being in South America. No, really, my life went a little bit shit when she left. Plus, I'm in a new relationship with one of her friends, that she introduced me to, and now she's not here for moral support! Also to send her birthday present to South America just cost me $30 postage. Thats on top of the $40 odd it cost me to actually buy the present (and not counting all the money Phil spent on that wonderful torch) I made bits, like I bought her a shirt but then I added a really cute transfer design on.
4. How to be in a new relationship when I work nights, he works days, and we both work over the weekends. I'm managing to see him maybe twice a week anyways, *sigh* I won't worry about it yet, but if things go well maybe I'll try and arrange something with work so I'll definitely have Saturday nights/Sunday mornings off. Or something. Maybe Friday nights/Saturday mornings, I think that... oh but nobody else does mornings on weekends... I'll sort something out.

10. Parents?: My mother's insane. No really, if she's not insane then she will soon drive me there instead. She forgets things. Like, she'll come in to my room, pull everything out of the cupboards looking for something, then walk off and forget she'd ever done it. Then I get in trouble for having such a messy room. But she is a photographer so I guess that scatty artist thing kinda comes with the territory.
My Dad is brilliance in person form. He's got smarts. He runs his own business and he runs it well, but what he really wants is to go to France and do a Phd in project management and business. Then he'll write a book on it and spend the rest of the time researching Napoleon some more or something. I think he's just concerned mum and I couldn't support ourselves without him, so he keeps working.

11. Who are some of your closest friends? Holly the Great, and Phillip of Stond.
Holly and I knew each other since she started at school in year 9. She's awesome, and crazy. Honestly I'm not sure if I could have ever found a better match in a friend, because while we still like enough of the same things and have the same basic principles, we vary enough to make for interesting discussion and conflict. Every relationship must have a healthy dose of conflict.
Phillip, well we were at high school together for 6 years and it was only until a year after we left that we became friends. You know, once I discovered he loved The Muppets, and Phantom of the Opera, and Star Wars. And he's really a huge dork, and a bit of an idiot sometimes, but with a totally big heart. And they both take care of me and I love them both dearly.

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