never... stop... playing
i underestimated the temperature outside because it's so cold in here. so just then i took jake for a walk in thigh-high socks, a scarf and a heavy trenchcoat. wisecaz. i introduced my lovely old primary school to him. he thinks it's a nice place to hang after a lazy day, but wouldn't recommend it to his friends. it has all different play equipment [including a see-saw that does not see-saw] but still smells the same. dust dirt children.
my valentine, your wife, has left the country. i hope she is warm and safe.
how many days of marshmead did we have left, this time four years ago? tonight was like that last night in our house. but without cows nearby.
hmph i'm in a bad mood. i get deeper penetration with a fork and a spoon.
i have been listening to this beautiful, beautiful early 90s man a lot.
i'm on a mission now