Howdy. Lately I've been hangin with my moms friends from college since Nancy from Arizona came out here for a couple of days. It basically called for a reunion of them all. I like just goin out and doing things cuz I don't like being at home all the time sitting on my ass. Right now Aud and G are in different states so I hope you guys are havin fun! I've also been talkin to David too. We've been through alot but we seem to make it through the tough times one way or another. I know we really care about each other. Things are just so much harder when there's 1000's of miles in-between, but that's the way it has to be right now. It does make you realize how much you care about someone though. In other news, I dropped the microbiology class today...I just don't think I would've pulled it off. The teacher even said there should be a prerequisite for the course and about 1/3 of the class ended up dropping before I did. So I stuck it out for about a month and atleast tried and learned some things as I went. Now I can focus on getting an A in Pharmacology because I desperately need it to bump up my GPA. So next semester I'm probably going to take a more basic course in biology to get myself better prepared for the microbiology, and I need to take Anatomy/Physiology 2 which is going to be very hard. I don't know if I should take anymore courses than that next semester because I want to be able to get good grades...not barely passing grades and then have to take courses over again. It will probably be atleast another year before I get into the nursing program at ACC...they make the courses to get into it the hardest thing(most of the grade is based on test scores)...once I get in, it will most likely take me 2 years before I can take the RN licensing test. By that point I am hoping to land a good-paying job. Also, about a week ago I saw the 3rd Harry Potter movie...I love how and where the movie was made, it was really beautiful. Yeah, I think the story was a bit confusing though, especially for people who haven't read the books. Speaking of, I started reading the 4th book and I have a feeling it's gonna be pretty spooky. I hope it's really good. But darn...have to wait another year before the movie :( The other movies I want to see now are Spiderman 2, The Terminal, and I Robot. Heh...I guess I did need to update...this is probably the longest post ever. I've also been getting into photography during the last month. I've never really thought about it as an art until now...because there are alot of options and creativity that come with taking really good pictures. My dad bought me a book on photography and it has alot of information and examples of real pictures taken to explain different techniques. I played around with some pictures I took on Photoshop with different types of texturing. I've decided to post some of it on here for fun :)
Original (Aren't they CUTE?!!)