More NaNo

Nov 03, 2007 17:01

Have accomplished absolutely no writing today: the desire to wash clothes and go to a write-in all cleaned up ended up keeping me home since it turns out the dryer is busted and hiking in wet jeans turns one's thighs into hamburger. Laziness drove me to the TV rather than my notebook. There is an upside though, in the form of inspiration.

So here's the latest idea: take one biologically incompatible couple, courtesy of the furry world that always works its way into my novels (After the Bomb, for the RPG nuts who know of it); add one couple of genetically enhanced super-pheremone rabbits with an over-sized brood (Pleasure Bunnies); couple A kidnaps one of couple B's brood, the magic pheremones make everyone love the little tyke... ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Raising Arizona riff!
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