Just to forget papers for a while

Mar 22, 2008 06:23

I just saw this meme randomly from the Friendster (IKNOWRIGHT? LOL) of one of my former Taekwondo teammates. Because I've been online the whole night just looking at random blogs while trying to make a research question for my Language and the Internet class, I thought of having fun first--- of course, what better way to have fun but to talk about myself. I'm such a pig. LOL.

Anyway here it is!

The original title was "My Autobiography", but it's not really an autobiography, so I'll just scrap that off.

1. Who took your profile picture?
- Me. That's my favourite spot in the Central Library, btw. And you can even see linguistics books, photocopied readings, my cellphone, and the red pen and the yellow highlighter which I always use for studying. LOL.

2. Exactly what are you wearing right now?
- Just a plain white shirt and shorts. I'm about to sleep in a few minutes.

3. What is your current problem?
- I still do not have a clear research topic for my Language and the Internet class. I just want to deal with blogs. Period. And the deadline's two weeks from now, so I'm really dead.

4. What makes you most happy?
- Eating. I swear just give me nice food and I'll love you for the rest of my life. LOL.

5. What's the name of the song your listening to?
- Your Love (Alamid). I've been listening to a lot of OPM since I got here.

Chapter 1: ABOUT YOU

1. Nickname?
- RV, which stands for Raymund Victor. People also call me Ray sometimes. Though I'm really comfortable with Raymund.

2. Eye color?
- Black.

3. Hair color?
- Black, which looks dark brownish under the sun.

4. Height?
- 170 cm (accdg to the Petronas Towers height-measuring thing).

5. Middle name?
- Morales.

Chapter 2: FAMILY

1. Do you live with your parent(s)?
- Not now. But come three months yes.

2. Do you get along with your parent(s)?
- Of course. They're like friends to me.

3. Are your parents chill?
- Yea. They trust us daw eh.

4. Do you have any siblings?
- Yea, I have 4.

Chapter 3: Favorites

1. Ice Cream?
- Coffee Crumble.

2. Season?
- Waz, not enough choices. Who would prefer the rainy season to the summer season, right?

3. Book?
- The Presentation of the Self in Everyday Life by Erving Goffman. How geeky.

4. Band?
- Nah. I just listen to songs randomly.

5. Food?
- Seafood but fish. Now I'm hooked to Japanese food, though I know it's localized to match the Singaporean taste.

6. Drink(s)?
- Coke and Coffee.

7. Pen color?
- Black. I use red for studying (writing marginalia, etc).

8. Store(s)?
- Of what? LOL

9. Person(s)?
- WTF?

Chapter 4: Do you...

1. Write on your hand:
- NO! Eeww.

2. Call people back?
- Of course.

3. Believe in love?
- Yea, the love of alcohol, for example.

4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
- No. I can sleep practically everywhere.

5. Smile a lot?
- Yea, Ma'am Lorie even described me as "Raymund, one of the brightest and smile-iest students I've ever met". Happiness.

6. Still in-friendly relationship with your ex?
- Eep.

Chapter 5: Have you...

1. Met new friend(s) within this week?
- Yeah, the NUS University Scholars Programme students and some of the other students who are going to the Philippines this May for a project. Well here in SG, I think I've been making new friends every week. Lol.

2. If so...where?
- I didn't know that this questions exists, so just refer to number 1.

3. Had PHYSICAL therapy?
- Yea, I have scoliosis.

4. Gotten surgery?
- No, luckily.

5. Taken painkillers?
- Yea, read # 3.

6. Overdosed on pain killers?
- WTF!

7. Been stung by a bee?
- Yea, I was in 6th Grade then.

8. Threw up in a doctors office?
- What's the logic behind this question? LOL.

9. Do you have a crush on anyone?
- Of course. :">


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