Aug 09, 2009 23:42
The conversation always starts the same. Someone will say “Hey Erik, don’t take this the wrong way, but you remind me of someone.” And right then, I know the question that’s coming next.
“Have you ever seen the show Big Bang Theory?”
I have seen it, and it’s a funny show. But ever since it’s been on, my friends have compared me to one character: Sheldon.
For anyone who hasn’t seen the show, here is his Wikipedia description:
“He posses an IQ of 187. He exhibits a strict adherence to routine, a lack of understanding of irony, sarcasm and humor, and a complete lack of humility. He is calculating and cynical, but often represents the voice of reason amongst his friends, as he does not hesitate to point out the facts, although his stubbornness, inflated ego, and quirks are usually the source of conflicts during the show.”
I’ve had 4 different people tell me I remind them of Sheldon, and Alex (my twin brother) has had 3 people tell him the exact same thing. If this many people think I’m like a TV character, they can’t be that wrong.
The question is, which characteristics are the most comparable. The intellect? The quirkiness? The voice of reason and logic? Or is everyone trying to subtly tell me that I’m socially retarded and have no concept of when to stop talking?
At least I can take comfort in knowing that Big Bang Theory has only been around since 2007, but I’ve been acting this way for a almost a decade.