Mar 19, 2006 13:19
**Note: Well, I know that as of right now, there aren't very many people visiting this site, but I sort of plan on changing that.**
It started last nite, I went over to jenny's room to hang out there. So it's around midnite when I come back to my room and I found out that my message board has been ripped off my door! So I call up security and report it, because I feel that it's been a result of contiuned harassement. So jenny insistes that I go back to her room and cool off, which I did alittle. I get back to my room and find it on the inside of my door (in worse case, someone broke into my room and placed it there). So I sit down for a bit, and not mabye half-an-hour later, Steve, one of the guys on my floor, comes screaming into the hall (*Note: this is around 2:30/3am CST) about how he's "gonna kill her if she touches me again!" and then processed to rip the water fountain off the wall and storm out of the hall. Now, me and a couple of other guys play around with the fountain, and it wasn't that heavy, but still. So, my nite went straight to hell.
Today was okay, I had a choir concert downtown, which was interseting to say the least. God, I hate how thick and warm those robes are.