Rude People

Oct 10, 2005 21:06

I encountered two rude people today.

The first was on my way to the BART station. Some fool made a u-turn while oncoming traffic is coming and he did it rather slowly. The street is only two lanes so it makes sense that he goes in the rightmost lane like you're supposed to (at least in the U.S. since we drive on the right side of the road). I got the feeling that he wanted to go in the left lane because he was slowly inching towards the left in his lane, however, he never signaled. Since I'm behind him I just merged to the left lane to pass him up because he was literally going 5mph whereas I was going about 40mph. Apparently I pissed him off, because when we got the spotlight he looked over at me and started shouting through his window. Okay, first off... his window is up. Second of all, he didn't signal. Third of all, he was driving all slow. Fourth, he made the u-turn when he wasn't a good distance away from the oncoming traffic. I just turned my head briefly in his direction and he was all yelling and throwing his hands up and pointing at me, but I just shrugged it off and looked forward. If he wanted to tell me off then he should have at least rolled down his window.

Second round person encounter was at the gym. I was using the seated row machine while listening to some tunes, but then all of a sudden the guy who is using the lat pulldown machine next to me comes to my machine and takes the spare 7.5lb weight that's hanging off of the machine I was using while I was working on a set. He didn't even ask, WTF?! I normally wouldn't have minded, but I was going to use the weight on my next set. Also, we were the only two people in the weight room and there are plenty of other machines that have spare 7.5lb weights. But, NO, he had to take mine without even asking nor did he even put it back.

*sigh* People these days... and these were so-called adults =p
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