
Nov 15, 2005 22:49

Sunset is perty.

#100? The 100th entry? Nope, no siree... this is actually the 100th picture I've taken with my digital camera and surprisingly it's not of Chewie. It's of a sunset and I thought it looked perty. I snapped the shot from the top of the parking garage by my workplace.

When I was a kid the definition of a sunset confuzzled me. I thought it meant "setting of the sun" so it would set the sun to provide light for the day until nighttime, but I knew sunrises are what occur in the morning. So for a while I thought sunrises and sunsets were the same thing and sunset was just an aka for sunrise. Then what the heck was it called when the sun went down? Sundown? Sunfall? Oh well, but I eventually realized that the sunset was in reference to when the sun goes down or rather "the event or time of the daily disappearance of the sun below the western horizon" according to Dictionary.com.

Hey, I never said I was bright when I was a kid =D.
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