Jan 03, 2008 16:59
The Addictionary.org is pleased to announce our top 15 WERDS of 2007! Thanks to all our loyal contributors for making it a memorable year. Keep those werds coming!
Following are the top 15 Addictionary werds of 2007.
15. petophile (n) - A person that cannot stand to see an animal go homeless and feels compelled to adopt every stray.
14. oncallogist (n) - A doctor who is on call all the time
13. AlGoreaphobia (n) - The irrational fear of Al Gore
12. stalkarazzi (n) - Photographers who stalk celebrities
11. preciprocate (v) - To do someone a small favor in anticipation of them doing you an even bigger favor in return
10. Spielburb (n) - A bland, monochromatic (typically beige) suburban tract, akin to those frequently depicted in Steven Spielberg movies
9. badolescent (n) - A misbehaving teenager
8. addadictomy (n) - Surgical procedure performed on a female patient who desires to change gender
7. clandestination (n) - 1) A secret stopover on a trip; 2) A vacation hideaway; 3) A country so remote no one can find it
6. agnostoholic (n) - One who takes an "I'll believe it when I see it" or "prove it" attitude to everything
5. lexecutioner (n) - A person with a particular knack for butchering language
4. narcisexual (n) - One who is extremely attracted to oneself
3. injurwii (n) - An injury sustained while playing Wii
2. strawphylactic (n) - The little piece of paper that a server leaves on the end of a straw in a non-alcoholic drink
1. bromance (n) - The heterosexual relationship between two men who are together constantly
werd of the day