Good day

Dec 24, 2007 21:27

SPRAWLIDAYS was werd of the day. Someone told me it ended up on her local radio station. How cool is that?

I saw "I Am Legend" and "Charlie Wilson's War." I liked Charlie best.

Cindy sent me a birthday song for the last 12 days. Here it is:

It's to the tune of "12 Days of Christmas" and the crazy, wonderful lady sent it to me for the past 12 days! This is a keeper!

On the twelvth day after Bex' big dayyyy,

her Hoosier buddy sent to herrrr,

TWELVE hopping bunnies!!!!! (OMG we all know how THEY breed!!!)

Eleven flying squirelssssssssssssss,

Ten bumbling bearssssssssssss,

Nine screeching screech owls,

Eight hisssssssssssing snakes,

Seven howling coyotesssssssssssssss,

Six chittering raccoonssssssss,


Four chuckling hyenassssssssss,

Three raucous parrotsssss,

Two meowin' meezerssssssss,

And a VERY BAD headache from the singin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and my challenge ended up being 2500 words long! GO ME!
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